High on Life is the strangely intriguing new game from Squanch Games, the studio founded by Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland. High on Life blends a first-person shooter with the comedic tone the creators are known for. The release date is coming soon, so we have gathered all the details you will want to know about the game. Here is everything you need to know about High on Life, the release date, available platforms, and more.
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High On Life Release Date And Platforms
As mentioned, High on Life will be here soon. The planned release date is December 13th, just around the corner. The game was originally slated for release in October, but it was delayed until December in order to give the game the last bit of polish that it needed.
The game is launching on Game Pass, as such the available platforms will be Xbox Series S, Series X, and PC through Steam and the Game Pass app.
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High On Life Trailers
High on Life was announced back in June, with the following trailer. This was the first glimpse we got of the game, and just a few months later the game is releasing imminently.
There have been a handful of gameplay videos released since then, like the Talk Gun gameplay trailer from Gamescom in August.
Also at Gamescom, we got an extended look at the game with this 25 minute video showing off a lot of what we can expect from the finished game.
High On Life Gameplay Details
As you can see from the trailers, High on Life is a first-person shooter that has two main components to it. First, you have the fundamental gameplay, i.e.: the first-person shooting. You gain several talking weapons throughout the game, including a talking knife that doubles as a grappling hook. Movement is fast, and combat has a pace similar to an arena shooter. Whether you’ll be able to create a character or simply be a guy behind a gun is anyone’s guess at this point.
The other side is the dialogue-driven comedic plot. Being a comedy game, there are plenty of jokes between the talking weapons, the characters you interact with, and the world around you. Squanch Games are known for their particular brand of humour, not at all dissimilar from that of Rick and Morty, so fans can go into this game knowing what to expect.
For more High on Life guides, keep reading The Games Cabin.