Many players struggle to get results even if they are having the perfect game. They have many kills, nice farm, and a low death count, but yet they somehow lose the game when the enemy team ambushes them in the middle of the jungle. That’s because many players in the lower elo tend to not know how to utilize the wards in League of Legends correctly. That’s why I have came up with a tutorial that can help you manage and learn the basics and advanced mechanics of proper warding. Welcome to the ‘’How to get better at warding in League of Legends tutorial!
So, you want to get better at warding in League? You want to get a perfect vision score? I got you covered. Today you will learn everything about warding in League of Legends. That includes How to ward, How to ward as a support, What is a vision score, and everything about Vision score in general. You will also learn what are lol wards and the best warding locations. So lets Begin.
What Are Wards?
Wards in League of Legends are invisible or visible tokens that depending on the type, can be used to uncover the surrounding area of the map for a short or infinite duration of time. Lol wards can be bought, acquired through trinkets, or acquired through items.
What Types of Wards Exist in League of Legends?
Totem Ward
Totem Wards are acquired through the Yellow Trinket and they are available to all champions.
Stealth Ward
Stealth Wards are acquired through items, or to be more precise, support items upon finishing the support quest.
Control Ward
Control Ward, or previously known as Vision Ward, is bought. There can be only one Control Ward placed in the field per champion, but players can have a total of two C0ontrol Wards in their inventory at any given time.
Farsight Ward
Farsight Wards are acquired through Blue Trinkets.
Zombie Ward
Zombie Ward is acquired through the rune called ‘’Zombie Ward’’
Ghost Porro
Acquired through the rune called ‘’Ghost Porro’’. Infinite duration until the enemy champion walks into a bush.
Effigy is strictly connected to Fiddlesticks as he is the only champion that can place them. Effigies are acquired instead of trinkets for Fiddlesticks and they are different than other wards, since they take the form of Fiddlesticks. They are not static and they move and flash towards the enemy champion tricking them into thinking that is the real Fiddlesticks.
How to Ward in League of Legends?
If we are talking about the mechanical question of How to ward, then you simply press 4 on your keyboard and click with your mouse in the desired location. If your desired location is out of your warding circle and you press it, your champion will move towards it until you reach your desired location. There is an exception for this and that is when you want to ward over the wall but the wall is too big. You simply click to the farthest location in your circle and inside the wall and your lol ward will appear on the closest location to you on the other side of the wall.
Since we are talking about the guide on How to ward, then you should brace yourselves since that is not an easy question to answer and will have a lot of factors in it like where to ward, vision score, and how long do the wards last?
Where to Ward in League of Legends?
Many players make mistakes when they are warding. Usually players tend to ward the bushes since inside the bush every ward is invisible. Yes the majority of the wards are invisible by their own but they can be removed and seen with the Red Trinket and Control Ward. There are a couple of ideal places to ward while playing League of Legends.
In The Middle of The River
Yes, this may sound odd but one of the best places to ward is in the middle of the river itself. Especially Control Wards. Control Wards are visible and they have 4 hp but even if you sacrifice that ward, you will see your enemy coming towards you. Sometimes this will distract a jungler planning a gank, or stop a mid laner planning a roam. By placing it in the river, this will also help to spot the enemy team going for a drake or rift herald.
Between The Blue Buff and The Gromp
With this warding location you will see your enemy in their jungle and you can see them no matter if they are going for the blue buff or the gromp since the ward will cover both of those neutral monsters. You will also see your enemy’s pathway so you can react on time and help your team with the incoming gank.
In The Raptor Pit
This warding location may seem odd, but I promise you it’s one of the best warding locations in the game simply due to it being unexpected. This is a very important warding location, especially when you are playing against champions that can jump over or go through the walls like Kayn, Vi ,or Talon.
Dragon Pit
This isn’t the best warding location simply due to it being expected. It also is a problem since you can only see the enemy team if they are actually going for drake so that leaves you little time to react. Nevertheless drakes are very important so it still is very important ward.
Down The Middle Lane
This is very important warding location. It allows you to see your opponents and the route that they are going for. You can also see whether they are going down the middle, bot, or top lane and the jungle camps that they are likely going for at that particular moment.
Your Own Jungle
No matter if you are winning or losing, your jungle is one of the most important warding locations in the game. It secures your pathways toward the river or down to the lane. It also protects you from the unexpected ganks or flanks.
Where to Ward as a Support?
Support role has came a long way from being a role that no one wants to play, to the one of the most desired roles in the game. A good support is much more important than a good ad carry since the whole team relies on him to protect them. This includes, engaging in team fights and providing great vision allowing your team safe passage around the entire map. Support champions tend to have the highest vision score in the game since they can buy support items that grant them lol wards upon finishing the tasks. So, where to ward as a support?
The Scarra Ward
Dragon Pit
How Long Do Wards Last in LOL?
Totem Ward
Totem Wards last between 90 and 120 seconds depending on champion level.
Stealth Ward
Stealth Wards last 150 seconds.
Control Ward
Control Ward doesn’t have a timer but rather hp. It has 4 hp, which starts regenerating after 4 seconds of being out of combat.
Farsight Ward
Farsight Wards do not have a timer, but rather their duration is indefinite, same as the Control Ward. Unlike the Control Ward they only have 1 hp.
Zombie Ward
Zombie Ward has a duration of 120 seconds.
Ghost Porro
Infinite duration until the enemy champion walks into a bush.
Effigy lasts between 130 and 280 seconds, depending on Fiddlesticks’s level.
How to Get Better at Warding in League of Legends?
There are a couple of simple rules that you should follow if you want to get better at warding in League of Legends.
Be Unpredictable
There are a lot of bushes and warding locations in Summoners rift that your opponents expect you to place wards in. Even if those locations are great, there will be no point in warding in those places if your opponents know where you have vision. They can simply take the other route, place a Control ward that will neutralize your Stealth wards, or simply destroy your wards.
There isn’t a person in this world that knows everything. That also is applicable to the best players in the world. They tend to be very predictable when it comes to warding, believe it or not. You should place your wards in some crazy places that you would never expect a ward to be, so who knows maybe you discover something that no one knew until that point, and find one of the best warding locations in the game.
Use Your Wards as Often as You Can
I do not expect you to magically learn everything about warding after reading this guide, but what I can tell you is that the more you use your wards the more you will learn about vision control , ward placement and vision score. Use every opportunity you get to place a ward no matter what role you are playing. This is one of the most important ways on how to get better at warding in League of Legends!
Buy Control Wards
Control Wards are an essential piece of equipment for any League of Legends player. There is a stigma in the lower elo that only supports are required to buy Control Wards, but that is wrong on so many levels. Every player should always have 2 Control Wards in his kit as long as he isn’t a full build. The more area you cover with wards, the more vision control you will have as a team. That being said, it’s only logical that your chances of winning increase dramatically if you know your enemies whereabouts.
We have arrived at the end of todays guide. I hope that I helped you learn a lot in this ‘’How To Get Better At Warding In League Of Legends’’ tutorial. Use the knowledge you have acquired about Vision control, ward placement, ward timing and everything else to your advantage and climb your way to the stars!