Hello summoners, it’s is time to cover the best picks for Mid lane in Patch 12.7. The Patch brough some interesting changes but a lot of strong champions have stayed on top. These champions are META right now and there will be a lot of severe balance changes needed to remove them from the top of the board.
1. Pantheon
2. Veigar
3. Anivia
4. Fizz
Pantheon is a bruiser champion that used to dominate the top lane before his rework. Ever since he was reworked a couple of years back we have had a slight change of lane when it comes to Pantheon. You see, now he dominates mid lane and can go even in the jungle and not embarrass himself.
This strong bruiser can win almost any matchup even when he is not in the META, but right now since he is, he is almost unbeatable. The control mages and AP assassin’s can not harm him, since the early game cost of most abilities on mages is simply too high, and with Pantheon’s strong auto attacks and powerful abilities that have pretty low cooldown and low cost, there is simply no chance without an amazing jungler to even scratch Pantheon.
Pantheon overpowers any AP champion in the mid lane in the early game, and with the sustain he gets from Bruiser items he simply can not be killed even in the later stages of the game even with some minimal knowledge of the game.
Pantheon’s Abilities
P – Mortal Will
INNATE: Pantheon gains a stack of Mortal Will whenever he lands a basic attack on-hit or casts an ability, up to a maximum of 5. At 5 stacks, Pantheon’s next basic ability consumes the stacks to grant bonus effects.
Pantheon gains maximum stacks of Mortal Will upon starting the game, completing a Recall channel, and respawning.
Q – Comet Spear
ACTIVE: Pantheon charges while being slowed by 10% for up to 4 seconds to increase Comet Spear’s range after 0.35 seconds of channeling. Comet Spear can be recast at any time within its duration.
RECAST: Pantheon hurls his spear in a line in the target direction, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit, increased against enemies below 20% of their maximum health but reduced by 50% against enemies beyond the first. Total damage is reduced by 30% against minions and monsters.
Releasing the ability within 0.35 seconds causes Pantheon to instead thrust his spear in the target direction, dealing the same physical damage to all enemies hit and refunding 60% of Comet Spear’s cooldown. The thrust’s damage is not reduced against enemies beyond the first.
If Pantheon is interrupted during the charge, or the charge completes without reactivation, Comet Spear is cancelled and the ability is put on full cooldown but refunds half the mana cost.
MORTAL WILL: Deals an additional 20 − 240 (based on level) (+ 115% bonus AD) bonus physical damage, affected by the previous damage reductions, to all enemies hit. Consumes the stacks upon recasting.
W – Shield Vault
ACTIVE: Pantheon leaps to the front of the target enemy’s location and, if the target is within 800 units upon arrival, he deals them physical damage and stuns them for 1 second.
MORTAL WILL: Pantheon’s next basic attack within 4 seconds has a cast time and strikes the target 3 times over a brief period, dealing 40% − 55% (based on level) AD physical damage per hit, up to 120% − 165% (based on level) AD. Each hit is affected by critical strike modifiers and applies on-hit effects at 100% effectivness.
Empowered Shield Vault resets Pantheon’s basic attack timer.
Pantheon will attempt to basic attack the target at the end of the leap.
E – Aegis Assault
ACTIVE: Pantheon braces his shield in the target direction, channeling for 1.5 seconds. Aegis Assault cannot be interrupted by crowd control, and can be recast after 0.3 seconds during the channel, which is done so automatically when the channel ends.
For the duration, Pantheon is invulnerable against non- turret damage dealt by enemies from the target direction, and continuously performs strikes in a cone in front of him, dealing 8.3% AD physical damage every 0.125 seconds to all enemies within the area, reduced by 50% against minions and up to 100% AD total physical damage against each target.
RECAST: Pantheon slams with his shield in a cone in front of him, dealing physical damage to all enemies within the area.
MORTAL WILL: Pantheon gains 60% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds after recasting.
R – Grand Starfall
PASSIVE: Pantheon gains armor penetration.
ACTIVE: Pantheon channels for 2 seconds, then leaps high into the air, vanishing and becoming immune to crowd control until he reappears. While in the air, Pantheon channels again for 2.2 seconds and grants sight around the target location 0.5 seconds into the channel.
After 0.8 seconds into the channel, Pantheon prepares for landing by marking his destination with his spear which flies to the location over 0.2 seconds. The spear deals 40 − 190 (based on Comet Spear’s rank) (+ 115% bonus AD) physical damage to enemies near its landing point and slows them by 50% for 2 seconds.
Over the remaining 1.2 seconds, Pantheon crashes down and creates a shockwave alongside him that travels toward the target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies within its path, decreased by up to 50% for those hit at the edge of the area. Upon completion of the channel, Pantheon reappears at the target location and gains full stacks of Mortal Will.
Grand Starfall is put on a 30 second cooldown if the first channel is canceled.
The evil little Yordle has been one of the best mid laners since he was introduced in the world of League of Legends, long time ago. The power of his scaling Q ability and the one shot menace that his R is, makes him one of the best control mages in the game.
Veigar’s weaker early game and the lack of power is really balanced with the crowd control that he has. He has great farm potential and can work with almost any AP item, but the best ones that work oh him are those that simply provide pure Ability Power. He can benefit from Zhonya’s Hourglass when his abilities are on cooldown.
He will most definitely stay as one of the best picks when it comes to pure ability power mages in the whole game, as long as the game exists. He has a small ban rate, but with the recent Patch his pick rates are going up, since the players are seeing the opportunity to abuse his power at the moment.
Veigar’s abilities:
P – Phenomenal Evil Power
INNATE: Veigar gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil whenever he hits an enemy champion with an ability, and 5 stacks whenever he scores a takedown against an enemy champion.
Veigar gains 1 ability power for every stack of Phenomenal Evil.
Q – Baleful Strike
ACTIVE: Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first two enemies hit.
Killing an enemy with Baleful Strike grants 1 stack of Phenomenal Evil, tripled against large minions and monsters.
W – Dark Matter
ACTIVE: Veigar calls a mass of dark matter to fall from the sky which lands after a 1.221 seconds delay to the target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies within the area.
Dark Matter’s cooldown is reduced by a percentage, scaling with Phenomenal Evil.
E – Event Horizon
ACTIVE: Veigar forms a cage around the target location which materializes after a 0.5 second delay and lasts for 3 seconds, knocking down and stunning all enemies that attempt to pass through its edges.
Units can only be affected by Event Horizon once every 4.5 seconds.
R – Primordial Burst
ACTIVE: Veigar sends a blast of primordial energy at the target enemy champion that upon arrival deals them magic damage, increased by 0% − 100% (based on target’s missing health).
The big bird from Freljord is one of the first champions introduced in the League of Legends. Her simple kit, at least by the looks of it, is incredibly hard to get the hang of. That is the reason that very few players play Anivia on global level. You can see her most of the time in some higher ranked games, as that is the only place where she can be abused properly, and also the only place where players have enough skill to play her. The sheer complexion of playing Anivia has made her one of the best mid laners, sometimes even the strongest in the game, since you can almost never see her in the game if you aren’t playing on competitive level. Apart from one or two smurfs that appear to ruin everything.
Anivia’s abilities:
P – Rebirth
INNATE: Periodically, upon taking fatal damage, Anivia enters resurrection for 6 seconds and restores all of her health.
While in resurrection, Anivia is unable to act and gains -40 − 20 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance.
If Anivia remains alive by the end of the duration, she is revived with her current health.
Q – Flash Frost
ACTIVE: Anivia launches a chunk of ice in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and slows them by 20% − 40% (based on Glacial Storm’s Rank) for 3 seconds.
Flash Frost can be recast after while the ice is in flight, and does so automatically at maximum range.
RECAST: The ice shatters, dealing magic damage and stunning nearby enemies for a duration, as well as refreshing the slow.
W – Crystallize
ACTIVE: Anivia summons a wall of ice at the target location perpendicular to her facing, knocking all units away from it, though not through terrain. The wall lingers as impassable terrain for 5 seconds.
E – Frostbite
ACTIVE: Anivia blasts a freezing wind at the target enemy that upon arrival deals them magic damage.
If the target was hit by Flash Frost or was inside a fully formed Glacial Storm within the last 3 seconds, Frostbite’s damage is doubled.
R – Glacial Storm
ACTIVE: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail at the target location, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds to enemies within and slowing them for 1 second, refreshing every 0.5 seconds while inside. Glacial Storm can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically if Anivia goes too far away from the storm, becomes unable to pay the mana cost, or is affected by any form of interrupting crowd control.
The blizzard increases in size over 1.5 seconds. At maximum size, Glacial Storm’s damage is increased by 200% and the effectiveness of its slow is increased by 50%, which also instead lasts 1.5 seconds and refreshes every 0.25 seconds while inside.
RECAST: Anivia deactivates Glacial Storm, dealing one last tick of damage.
You either love him or hate him. The playful trickster, as his in-game alter ego sounds like, is kind of Yordle like fish creature that has enormous damage on the fields of Summoner’s Rift. As you can probably guess by now I am one of those that hate him, since he is one of the main counters for my favourite champion, LeBlanc.
He can dodge almost any ability in game, has easy engage, a great damage, a slow and a knock up. And all that with an easy escape with his ability, If he has a Flash with that as a Summoner spell, chances are you are never going to kill him if he doesn’t make any serious mistake.
He has stayed relevant for a long time, and there aren’t many champions that counter him. He works well against almost all of the Ap champions that belong in the middle of the lane, but can sometimes struggle against some of the META Attack Damage champions that arrive in mid lane.
Fizz’s abilities:
P – Nimble Fighter
INNATE: Fizz is permanently ghosted.
Fizz takes 4 (+ 1% AP) reduced damage from every instance of damage, up to a maximum of 50% reduction.
Q – Urchin Strike
ACTIVE: Fizz dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target enemy, and upon colliding with them or if they are still within 200 units when the dash ends, he deals them magic damage plus 100% AD physical damage and applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness.
Fizz can cast Seastone Trident and Chum the Waters during Urchin Strike, but not Playful.
W – Seastone Trident
PASSIVE: Fizz’s basic attacks rend enemies on-hit, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds over 3 seconds, refreshing on-hit.
ACTIVE: Fizz’s next basic attack within 4 seconds has an uncancelable windup, deals bonus magic damage and gains 50 bonus range.
If Seastone Trident kills its target, its cooldown is reduced to 1 second and refunds mana. Otherwise, if Seastone Trident doesn’t kill its target, Fizz’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on-hit for the next 5 seconds.
Seastone Trident resets Fizz’s basic attack timer.
E – Playful
ACTIVE: Fizz dashes to the target location while becoming untargetable, balancing on his trident for 0.75 seconds, during which he can cast Trickster after 0.15 seconds into the duration.
Fizz then begins to hop off of his trident over 0.5 seconds, afterwards becoming targetable and landing to create a splash beneath him that deals magic damage to all nearby enemies and slows them for 2 seconds.
While hopping off of the trident, Fizz may input movement commands to direct his landing.
Playful will cast at max range if cast beyond that.
RECAST – Trickster
ACTIVE: Fizz dashes to the target location, hopping down and splashing onto the ground prematurely upon arrival to deal the same damage in a smaller radius but not applying the slow.
Trickster will cast at max range if cast beyond that.
R – Chum the Waters
ACTIVE: Fizz throws down a lure at the target location that attracts a shark, granting sight of the area before emerging and chomping at the lure after 2 seconds, dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies, knocking them back, though not through terrain, and slowing them for 2 seconds. The further the lure travels in its initial flight, the larger the shark that is attracted; increasing Chum the Waters’ damage, slow, eruption radius and knock back distance.
GUPPY (<455): 40% slow, 200 eruption radius and 150 unit knock back distance.
CHOMPER (455-910): 60% slow, 325 eruption radius and 250 unit knock back distance.
GIGALODON (>910): 80% slow, 450 eruption radius and 350 unit knock back distance.
Enemy champions can intercept the lure while it is in flight, which attaches to them upon contact and causes the shark to emerge at their position after the same delay. The lure’s holder is slowed and revealed for the duration and afterwards is impacted by the eruption but is knocked up for 1 second instead of knocked back.
Chum the Waters will cast at max range if cast beyond that.
The best mid laners in the game right now are here and we have got you covered. With our guides and tier lists the chances are that you will never be among the lower ranked players since you will know all of the META champions and how to abuse them properly!
Stay tuned, there is a lot more to cover, only on The Games Cabin!