The following is a table of all the Class Specific Engravings in Lost Ark. Each entry will show the name and description of the engraving as well as which class it pertains to.
Class | Enraving Name | Description |
Berserker | Berserker’s Technique | Lv. 1: While bursting, Crit Damage +30%. Negates Exhaustion after Burst ends. Lv. 2: While bursting, Crit Damage +40%. Negates Exhaustion after Burst ends. Lv. 3: While bursting, Crit Damage +50%. Negates Exhaustion after Burst ends. |
Berserker | Mayhem | Lv. 1: When hitting a foe during Burst, recover 0.2% of Max HP, and the amount that is recovered increases slightly when hitting multiple foes. (The recovery increase and reduction effect are not applied) Lv. 2: When hitting a foe during Burst, recover 0.35% of Max HP, and the amount that is recovered increases a little when hitting multiple foes. (The recovery increase and reduction effect are not applied) Lv. 3: When hitting a foe during Burst, recover 0.5% of Max HP, and the amount that is recovered increases a little when hitting multiple foes. (The recovery increase and reduction effect are not applied) |
Destroyer | Gravity Training | Lv. 1: During combat, the Gravity Meter recovers 1% every 1s. Basic Attack and Vortex Gravity Crit Rate +10% and +4% Attack Damage to foes during Hypergravity Mode. Lv. 2: During combat, the Gravity Meter recovers 1.5% every 1s. Basic Attack and Vortex Gravity Crit Rate +20% and Attack Damage +10% to foes during Hypergravity Mode. Lv. 3: During combat, the Gravity Meter recovers 2% every 1s. +30% Basic Attack and Vortex Gravity Crit Rate and Attack Damage +20% to foes during Hypergravity Mode. |
Destroyer | Rage Hammer | Lv. 1: When using a Gravity Release Skill, Crit Rate +3% and Crit Damage +5% based on the amount of Cores used. Lv. 2: When using a Gravity Release Skill, Crit Rate +4% and Crit Damage +10% based on the amount of Cores used. Lv. 3: When using a Gravity Release Skill, Crit Rate+5% and Crit Damage +15% based on the amount of Cores used. |
Gunlancer | Combat Readiness | Lv. 1: Normal skills Damage +20%. Shield Amount +30% in Defensive Stance. Damage +4% for 10s when hit while in Defensive Stance (stacked up to 3 times, once every 1s). Lv. 2: Normal skills Damage +20%. Shield Amount +40% in Defensive Stance. Damage +5% for 10s when hit while in Defensive Stance (stacked up to 3 times, once every 1s). Lv. 3: Normal skills Damage +20%. Shield Amount +50% in Defensive Stance. Damage +6% for 10s when hit while in Defensive Stance (stacked up to 3 times, once every 1s). |
Gunlancer | Solo Knight | Lv. 1: Gunlance skill Crit Rate +5%. Crit Damage +30%. Battlefield Shield cannot be used. Shield Meter consumption during Defensive Stance +100%. Lv. 2: Gunlance skill Crit Rate +10%. Crit Damage +40%. Battlefield Shield cannot be used. Shield Meter consumption during Defensive Stance +100%. Lv. 3: Crit Rate of Gunlance skills +15%. Crit Damage +50%. Battlefield Shield cannot be used. Consumption of the Shield Meter during Defensive Stance +100%. |
Paladin | Blessed Aura | Lv. 1: With Holy Aura, Damage received -10% and 2% of Max HP restored every 2.5s for all party members. Lv. 2: With Holy Aura, Damage received -15% and 2% of Max HP restored every 2s for all party members. Lv. 3: With Holy Aura, Damage received -20% and 2% of Max HP restored every 1.5s for all party members. |
Paladin | Judgment | Lv. 1: Punishment Damage +15%. When Punishment skill hits, Piety Meter gain +100%. Duration of Sacred Executioner +100%. Lv. 2: Punishment Damage +20%. When Punishment skill hits, Piety Meter gain +100%. Duration of Sacred Executioner +100%. Lv. 3: Punishment Damage +25%. When Punishment skill hits, Piety Meter gain +100%. Duration of Sacred Executioner +100%. |
Arcanist | Empress’s Grace | Lv. 1: 4-stack Ruin damage +20%. When Ruin hits, recover 20% of consumed MP. Lv. 2: 4-stack Ruin damage +25%. When Ruin hits, recover 20% of consumed MP. Lv. 3: 4-stack Ruin damage +30%. When Ruin hits, recover 20% of consumed MP. |
Arcanist | Order of the Emperor | Lv. 1: Normal Skills Deck Meter gain +50%. Damage +10% and an Emperor Card is added to the deck. The Emperor Card deals great damage in the surrounding area when used. Lv. 2: Normal Skills Deck Meter gain +50%. Damage +20% and an Emperor Card is added to the deck. The Emperor Card deals great damage in the surrounding area when used. Lv. 3: Normal Skills Deck Meter gain +50%. Damage +30% and an Emperor Card is added to the deck. The Emperor Card deals great damage in the surrounding area when used. |
Summoner | Communication Overflow | Lv. 1: Summon duration +20% for Maririn, Pauru, Elcid, Shurdi, and Kelsion. Damage +10%. Lv. 2: Summon duration +25% for Marinin, Pauru, Elcid, Shurdi, and Kelsion. Damage +15%. Lv. 3: Summon duration +30% for Marinin, Pauru, Elcid, Shurdi, Kelsion. Damage +20%. |
Summoner | Master Summoner | Lv. 1: Ancient Elemental skill’s Elemental Orb count -1. All Elemental Damage +5%. Lv. 2: Ancient Elemental skill’s Elemental Orb count -1. All Elemental Damage +10%. Lv. 3: Ancient Elemental skill’s Elemental Orb count -1. All Elemental Damage +15%. |
Bard | Desperate Salvation | Lv. 1: When the recovery effect ends, an additional recovery effect is activated, recovering 8% of your Max HP. Lv. 2: When the recovery effect ends, an additional recovery effect is activated, recovering 16% of your Max HP. Lv. 3: When the recovery effect ends, an additional recovery effect is activated, recovering 24% of your Max HP. |
Bard | True Courage | Lv. 1: Serenade of Courage makes outgoing Damage +10% and Crit Rate +10%. Lv. 2: Serenade of Courage makes outgoing Damage +15% and Crit Rate +10%. Lv. 3: Serenade of Courage makes outgoing Damage +20% and Crit Rate +10%. |
Wardancer | Esoteric Skill Enhancement | Lv. 1: Max number of Elemental Orbs +1. Esoteric skills inflict +8% Damage per Elemental Orb you have. Lv. 2: Max number of Elemental Orbs +1. Esoteric skills inflict +10% Damage per Elemental Orb you have. Lv. 3: Max number of Elemental Orbs +1. Esoteric skills inflict +12% Damage per Elemental Orb you have. |
Wardancer | First Intention | Lv. 1: Damage to foes +15%, but you can no longer gain Elemental Meter. Lv. 2: Damage to foes +20%, but you can no longer gain Elemental Meter. Lv. 3: Damage to foes +25%, but you can no longer gain Elemental Meter. |
Scrapper | Shock Training | Lv. 1: Shock skill Damage +10%. 2% of max Shock Energy recovered every 1s. Lv. 2: Shock skill damage +15%. 3% of max Shock Energy recovered every 1s. Lv. 3: Shock skill damage +20%. 4% of max Shock Energy recovered every 1s. |
Scrapper | Ultimate Skill: Taijutsu | Lv. 1: Natural recovery speed of Stamina Energy +300%. Stamina skill Damage +30%. Shock skill Damage -30%. Lv. 2: Natural recovery speed of Stamina Energy +450%. Stamina skill Damage +45%. Shock skill Damage -30%. Lv. 3: Natural recovery speed of Stamina Energy +600%. Stamina skill Damage +60%. Shock skill Damage -30%. |
Soulfist | Energy Overflow | Lv. 1: Energy does not go below 1, but the additional Energy recovery effect is not applied during Hype. If Energy is below 30%, Damage +5% to foes. Lv. 2: Energy does not go below 1, but the additional Energy recovery effect is not applied during Hype. If Energy is below 30%, Damage +10% to foes. Lv. 3: Energy does not go below 1, but the additional Energy recovery effect is not applied during Hype. If Energy is below 30%, Damage +15% to foes. |
Soulfist | Robust Spirit | Lv. 1: When using Hype, enters level 3 immediately, and while in Hype Mode, Energy recovery speed +200%. Damage +15%. Lv. 2: When using Hype, enters level 3 immediately, and while in Hype Mode, Energy recovery speed +200%. Damage +25%. Lv. 3: When using Hype, enters level 3 immediately, and while in Hype Mode, Energy recovery speed +200%. Damage +35%. |
Striker | Deathblow | Lv. 1: Max number of Elemental Orbs +1. Esoteric skills consume all Elemental Orbs and inflict +17% Damage per Elemental Orb consumed. Lv. 2: Max number of Elemental Orbs +1. Esoteric skills consume all Elemental Orbs and inflict +26% Damage per Elemental Orb consumed. Lv. 3: Max number of Elemental Orbs +1. Esoteric skills consume all Elemental Orbs and inflict +35% Damage per Elemental Orb consumed. |
Striker | Esoteric Flurry | Lv. 1: Esoteric Skill damage -15%, but only 1 Elemental Orb is used. Lv. 2: Esoteric Skill damage -8%, but only 1 Elemental Orb is used. Lv. 3: Only 1 Elemental Orb is used when using Esoteric Skill. |
Deathblade | Burst | Lv. 1: Deathblade Surge is cast in Burst Zero form, regardless of the number of Death Orbs you have. Burst Zero does not generate Remaining Energy, and inflicts Damage +100% over Deathblade Surge cast while you have less than 1 Death Orb. Lv. 2: Deathblade Surge is cast in Burst Zero form, regardless of the number of Death Orbs you have. Burst Zero does not generate Remaining Energy, and inflicts 150% more damage than Deathblade Surge cast while you have less than 1 Death Orb. Lv. 3: Deathblade Surge is cast in Burst Zero form, regardless of the number of Death Orbs you have. Burst Zero does not generate Remaining Energy, and inflicts Damage +200% over Deathblade Surge cast while you have less than 1 Death Orb. |
Deathblade | Remaining Energy | Lv. 1: Art does not consume Art Meter for 2s when activated. Atk./Move Speed +6% on Burst. Atk. Power +(8%, 16%, 25%) depending on your Burst level, for 30s. Lv. 2: Art does not consume Art Meter for 2s when activated. Atk./Move Speed +9% on Burst. Atk. Power +(10%, 20%, 30%) depending on your Burst level, for 30s. Lv. 3: Art does not consume Art Meter for 2s when activated. Atk./Move Speed +12% on Burst. Atk. Power +(12%, 24%, 36%) depending on your Burst level, for 30s. |
Shadowhunter | Demonic Impulse | Lv. 1: The Composure effect does not activate when Demonize ends. Upon Demonize, Demonic Skill Cooldown is reset. Lv. 2: The Composure effect does not activate when Demonize ends. Upon Demonize, Demonic Skill Cooldown is reset, and Crit Rate +15% while Demonic Mode is active. Lv. 3: The Composure effect does not activate when Demonize ends. Upon Demonize, Demonic Skill Cooldown is reset, and Crit Rate +30% while Demonic Mode is active. |
Shadowhunter | Perfect Suppression | Lv. 1: Normal Skill Damage +20%. Shadowburst Meter +50% for all skills. Disables Demonize. Lv. 2: Normal Skill Damage +25%. Shadowburst Meter +50% for all skills. Disables Demonize. Lv. 3: Normal Skill Damage +30%. Shadowburst Meter +50% for all skills. Disables Demonize. |
Sharpshooter | Death Strike | Lv. 1: When using Last Rush, recover 50% of the remaining Hawk Meter. Hit foe Damage taken +20% for 8s. Lv. 2: When using Last Rush, recover 50% of the remaining Hawk Meter. Hit foe Damage taken +30% for 8s. Lv. 3: When using Last Rush, recover 50% of the remaining Hawk Meter. Hit foe Damage taken +40% for 8s. |
Sharpshooter | Loyal Companion | Lv. 1: Summons Silverhawk MK-II, allowing Move Speed +4%, Silver Hawk’s Basic AoE Radius +60%, Silverhawk’s Basic Attack Damage +50%, and Silverhawk’s summon duration +30%. On basic attack or Wings of Storm hit, foes get a Mark of Death. Foe incoming Damage +4%. Lv. 2: Summons Silverhawk MK-II, allowing Move Speed +4%, Silver Hawk’s Basic AoE Radius +60%, Silverhawk’s Basic Attack Damage +100%, and Silverhawk’s summon duration +60%. On basic attack or Wings of Storm hit, foes get a Mark of Death. Foe incoming Damage +8%. Lv. 3: Summons Silverhawk MK-II, allowing Move Speed +4%, Silver Hawk’s Basic AoE Radius +60%, Silverhawk’s Basic Attack Damage +150%, and Silverhawk’s summon duration +100%. On basic attack or Wings of Storm hit, foes get a Mark of Death. Foe incoming Damage +12%. |
Deadeye | Enhanced Weapon | Lv. 1: Changing Stances enhances your weapon. Crit Rate +20% for 9s. Lv. 2: Changing Stances enhances your weapon. Crit Rate +25% for 9s. Lv. 3: Changing Stances enhances your weapon. Crit Rate +30% for 9s. |
Deadeye | Pistoleer | Lv. 1: Damage to foes +20%, but can only use Handgun Stance. Lv. 2: Damage to foes +30%, but can only use Handgun Stance. Lv. 3: Damage to foes +40%, but can only use Handgun Stance. |
Artillerist | Barrage | Lv. 1: Killing a foe in Barrage Mode resets the Cooldowns of all Barrage Skills. Lv. 2: Killing a foe in Barrage Mode resets the Cooldowns of all Barrage Skills. Bombardment skill Damage +1%. (Max. 25 stacks) Lv. 3: Killing a foe in Barrage Mode resets the Cooldowns of all Barrage Skills. Bombardment skill Damage +2%. (Max. 25 stacks) |
Artillerist | Firepower Enhancement | Lv. 1: Incoming Damage -20%. Crit Rate +(15%, 20%, 25% )depending on the level of the Firepower Buff. Lv. 2: Incoming Damage -25%. Crit Rate +(20%, 25%, 30%) depending on the level of the Firepower Buff. Lv. 3: Incoming Damage -30%. Crit Rate +(25%, 30%, 35%) depending on the level of the Firepower Buff. |
Gunslinger | Peacemaker | Lv. 1: Atk. Speed in Handgun Stance +8%. Crit Rate in Shotgun Stance +15%. Damage to foes +10% and additional Damage +10% to targets with 50% or lower HP for 9s while in Rifle Stance. Lv. 2: +12% Atk. Speed in Handgun Stance. +20% Crit Rate in Shotgun Stance. Damage +10% to foes and additional Damage +20% to targets with 50% or lower HP for 9s while in Rifle Stance. Lv. 3: +16% Atk. Speed in Handgun Stance. +25% Crit Rate in Shotgun Stance. Damage +10% to foes and additional Damage +30% to targets with 50% or lower HP for 9s while in Rifle Stance. |
Gunslinger | Time to Hunt | Lv. 1: Crit Rate +20% for Handgun and Rifle skills. Unable to use Shotgun Stance. Lv. 2: Crit Rate +25% for Handgun and Rifle skills. Unable to use Shotgun Stance. Lv. 3: Crit Rate +30% for Handgun and Rifle skills. Unable to use Shotgun Stance. |